[J4] A. Börcs, B. Nagy and Cs. Benedek: "Instant Object Detection in Lidar Point Clouds", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, in press, 2017
[J3] Cs. Benedek, B. Gálai, B. Nagy and Z. Jankó: ”Lidar-based Gait Analysis and Activity Recognition in a 4D Surveillance System,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, in press, 2017,
[J2] A. Börcs and Cs. Benedek, ”Extraction of Vehicle Groups in Airborne Lidar Point Clouds with Two-Level Point Processes,” IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 1475-1489, 2015
[J1] Cs. Benedek, "3D People Surveillance on Range Data Sequences of a Rotating Lidar," Pattern
Recognition Letters, Special Issue on Depth Image Analysis vol. 50, pp. 149–158,
[B1] A. Börcs, B. Nagy and Cs. Benedek: "Dynamic Environment Perception and 4D reconstruction using a Mobile Rotating Multi-beam Lidar sensor," Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control, Volume 42 of the series Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Springer, pp 153-180
[C21] B. Nagy, and Cs. Benedek: "3D CNN Based Phantom Object Removing from Mobile Laser Scanning Data", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 14-19 May, 2017
[C20] B. Gálai, and Cs. Benedek: "Gait Recognition with Compact Lidar Sensors", International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Porto, Portugal, 27 February - 1 March, 2017
[C19] B. Gálai, B. Nagy and C. Benedek: ”Crossmodal Point Cloud Registration in the Hough Space for Mobile Laser Scanning Data", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico, 2016
[C18] B. Gálai and Cs. Benedek: "Feature selection for Lidar-based gait recognition", International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM), Prague, Czech Republic, October 29-30, 2015
[C17] Cs. Benedek, B. Nagy, B. Gálai and Z. Jankó: "Lidar-based Gait Analysis in People Tracking and 4D Visualization", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Nice, France, August 31-September 4, 2015
[C16] A. Börcs, B. Nagy, M. Baticz and Cs. Benedek: "A Model-based Approach for Fast Vehicle Detection in Continuously Streamed Urban LIDAR Point Clouds," Workshop on Scene Understanding for Autonomous Systemsat ACCV, Singapore, November 2014, vol. 9008 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 413-425, Springer 2015
[C15] A. Börcs, B. Nagy and Cs. Benedek: "Fast 3-D Urban Object Detection on Streaming Point Clouds," Workshop on Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving at ECCV, Zürich, Switzerland, September 2014, vol. 8926 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 628-639, Springer 2015
[C14] Cs. Benedek, Z. Jankó, O. Józsa, I. Eichhardt, A. Börcs, D. Chetverikov and T. Szirányi: "Mixed Reality using a Lidar and a 4D Studio," IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, Budapest, Hungary 2013
[C13] A. Börcs, B. Nagy and Cs. Benedek "On board 3D Object Perception in Dynamic Urban Scenes," IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, Budapest, Hungary 2013
[C12] D. Chetverikov , O. Józsa, and I. Eichhardt „ Automatic Alignment of Large 3D Data Sets for Facade Reconstruction from Car-Mounted LIDAR Measurements,” IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, Budapest, Hungary 2013
[C11] Cs. Benedek (as presenter): ”A Lidar-based 4D scene reconstruction system,” (abstract & lecture) SPAR Europe and European LiDAR Mapping Forum (ELMF), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013
[C10] Cs. Benedek, Z. Jankó, Cs. Horváth, D. Molnár, D. Chetverikov and T. Szirányi: ”An Integrated 4D Vision and Visualisation System,” International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia, vol. 7963 of Lecture Notes in Computers Science, pp. 21-30, Springer, 2013
[C9] A. Börcs, O. Józsa and Cs. Benedek: ”Object Extraction in Urban Environments from Large-Scale Dynamic Point Cloud Dataset,” IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Veszprém, Hungary, June 17-19, 2013
[C8] O. Józsa, A. Börcs and Cs. Benedek: ”Towards 4D Virtual City Reconstruction From Lidar Point Cloud Sequences,” ISPRS Workshop on 3D Virtual City Modeling,
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, May 28-31, 2013, vol. II-3/W1 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences pp. 15-20, 2013
[C7] Cs. Benedek, D. Molnár and T. Szirányi: ”A Dynamic MRF Model for Foreground Detection on Range Data Sequences of Rotating Multi-Beam Lidar,” International Workshop on Depth Image Analysis, Tsukuba City, Japan, November 2012, vol. 7854 Lecture Notes in Computers Science, pp. 87-96, Springer, 2013
[C6] J. Hapák, Z. Jankó, D. Chetverikov. GPU-Based Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction Studio. In Proc. 28th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, ACM, Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 164-169, 2012.
[C5] J. Hapák, Z. Jankó, D. Chetverikov, "Real-Time 4D Reconstruction of Human Motion", Proc. 7th International Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO 2012), Mallorca, Spain, vol. 7378 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 250-259, 2012.
[C4] A. Börcs, Cs. Benedek: ”Urban traffic monitoring from aerial Lidar data with a Two-Level Marked Point Process Model, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba City, Japan, 2012
[C3] C. Blajovici, D. Chetverikov, Z. Jankó, ”4D Studio for Future Internet: Improving Foreground-Background Segmentation”, IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, Kosice, Slovakia, 2012
[C2] D. Chetverikov, L. Hajder, Z. Jankó, C. Kazó, J. Hapák ”Multiview 3D-4D Reconstruction at MTA SZTAKI”, IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, Kosice, Slovakia, 2012
[C1] A. Börcs, Cs. Benedek: A Marked Point Process Model for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Lidar Point Clouds, XXII ISPRS Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2012, Volume I-3 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences, pp. 93-98
[P1-US] Cs. Benedek, Z. Jankó, T. Szirányi, D. Csetverikov, O. Józsa, A. Börcs and I. Eichardt, "Method And System For Generating A Three-Dimensional Model", US Patent, No. US20160093101 A1, March 31, 2016
[P1-HUN] Benedek Cs., Jankó Zs., Szirányi. T., Csetverikov D., Józsa O., Börcs A. és Eichardt I. "Eljárás és rendszer egyesített háromdimenziós modell előállítására", Hungarian Patent Office, No. P1300328, May 2013
[S1] Cs. Benedek, Zs. Jankó, D. Chetverikov and T. Szirányi, "Mixed Reality by Understanding and Integrating Spatio-Temporal Data of a LIDAR and a 4D Studio", ERCIM News, no 95, pp 27-28
[R3] Cs. Benedek, Z. Jankó, D. Molnár, Cs. Horváth, D. Chetverikov and T. Szirányi: "4D Scene Reconstruction in Multi-Target Scenarios," MTA SZTAKI Research Report, No. i4D-3, June 2013
[R2] A. Börcs and Cs. Benedek: "Urban Traffic Monitoring from LIDAR Data with a Two-Level Marked Point Process Model," MTA SZTAKI Research Report, No. i4D-2, January 2013
[R1] O. Józsa and Cs. Benedek: "Reconstruction of 3D Urban Scenes Based on a Moving Lidar Sensor," MTA SZTAKI Research Report, No. i4D-1, January 2013
[H12] B. Gálai and Cs. Benedek: "Járás alapú személyazonosítás és cselekvésfelismerés LiDAR szenzorokkal" Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon, Sovata, Romania, January 2017. Note: in Hungarian
[H11] B. Nagy, B. Gálai and Cs. Benedek: "Multimodális pontfelhőregisztráció Hough tér alapú előillesztéssel" Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon, Sovata, Romania, January 2017. Note: in Hungarian
[H10] A. Börcs, B. Nagy and Cs. Benedek: "Utcai objektumok gyors osztályozása LIDAR pontfelhősorozatokon" Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon, Sovata, Romania, January 2017. Note: in Hungarian
[H9] A. Börcs, B. Nagy and Cs. Benedek: "Valós idejű járműdetekció LIDAR pontfelhő sorozatokon (Real time vehicle detection in LIDAR point cloud sequences)," Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon, Kerekegyháza, Hungary, January 2015. Note: in Hungarian, received Kuba Attila prize
[H8] Cs. Benedek: "Hierarchikus jelölt pontfolyamat modell objektumpopulációk többszintű elemzéséhez (Hierarchical marked point process model for multi-level object population analysis)," Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon, Kerekegyháza, Hungary, January 2015. Note: in Hungarian
[H7] B. Nagy, Cs. Benedek and Z. Jankó: "Mozgó személyek követése és 4D vizualizációja Lidar alapú járáselemzéssel (Moving people tracking and 4D visualization through Lidar-based gait analysis)," Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon, Kerekegyháza, Hungary, January 2015. Note: in Hungarian
[H6] P. Polcz and Cs. Benedek: "3D mesh generation from aerial LiDAR point cloud data," Hungarian Computer Graphics and Geometry Conference (GRAFGEO), Budapest, Hungary 2014
[H5] C. Blajovici, D. Chetverikov, Z. Jankó, "Enhanced Object Segmentation in a 4D Studio", Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon (KÉPAF) , Bakonybél, Hungary, 2013
[H4] Börcs A. és Benedek Cs. "Városi forgalomfelügyelet kétszintű jelölt pontfolyamat modellel légi LiDAR felvételeken", Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon (KÉPAF), Bakonybél, Hungary, 2013, in Hungarian
[H3] Horváth Cs., Molnár D., Benedek Cs. és Szirányi T. "MRF alapú előtérdetekció és objektumkövetés Lidar pontfelhőszekvenciákon" Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon (KÉPAF), Bakonybél, Hungary, 2013 in Hungarian
[H2] O. Józsa and Cs. Benedek, "Analysis of 3D Dynamic Urban Scenes Based on LiDAR Point Cloud Sequences", Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognititon (KÉPAF), Bakonybél, Hungary, 2013
[H1] Z. Jankó, D. Chetverikov and J. Hapák, ”4D Reconstruction Studio: Creating dynamic 3D models of moving actors”, Hungarian Computer Graphics and Geometry Conference (GRAFGEO) , Budapest, Hungary, 2012