News for PPKE ITK and BME VIK students: Labwork and thesis work topic proposals

My current lecturing activities

Full Professor with the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Péter Pázmány Catholic University (PPKE ITK), Budapest 2021- (in part time), associate professor (2015-2021), habilitated since 2017, external lecturer between (2010-2015)

Ph.D. supervisor at the Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology at PPKE ITK (75%), and at the Doctoral School of Informatics Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) (25%)

We are hiring: student positions are open in our Laboratory. Please contact us if your are interested in joining our team.

Supervised Phd, MSc and BSc students

In progress:
Yahya Ibrahim, PhD. student, PPKE ITK, 2017-, research associate @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp, 2022-
Örkény H. Zováthi, PhD. student, PPKE ITK, 2020-, research associate @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp, 2019-
Lóránt Kovács, PhD. student, PPKE ITK, 2017-, research associate @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp, 2019-

Graduated PhD. students:
Attila Börcs, PhD, BME VIK (2018), former research associate @ SZTAKI MPLab
Balázs Nagy, PhD, PPKE ITK (2020), research fellow @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp

Graduated MSc students:
Olivér Benis, MSc PPKE ITK (Jan. 2022), former developer @ SZTAKI MPLab
Zsófia Németh, MSc PPKE ITK (Jan. 2021)
Örkény H. Zováthi, MSc BME VIK (Jan. 2020, with honours), developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
Győző Horváth, MSc BME VIK (Jan. 2020, with honours), former developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
Dávid Leichner, MSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2019), former developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
Bence Gálai, MSc, BME VIK (June 2017), former developer @ SZTAKI MPLab
Richárd Zsámboki, MSc, BME VIK (2016)
Balázs Nagy, MSc, PPKE ITK (2016)
Balázs Gergely Szabó, MSc, PPKE ITK (2014), former developer @ SZTAKI DEVA Lab
Barnabás Lászlóffy, MSc, PPKE ITK (2014)
Tamás Bálint, MSc, PPKE ITK (2013)
Attila Börcs, MSc, PPKE ITK (co-supervised, 2012)

Graduated BSc students:
Balázs Pálffy, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2022), developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
József Kövendi, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2022), developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
Soóki-Tóth Eszter, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2021)
Maráki Dorina, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2021)
Olivér Benis, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2020), developer @ SZTAKI MPLab
Norbert Gőbölös, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2020)
Katalin Schäffer, BSc, PPKE ITK (Jan. 2019)
Zsófia Németh, BSc, PPKE ITK (2019)
Péter Szabó, BSc, PPKE ITK (2019)
Péter Lénárd Vámos, BSc, PPKE ITK (2019)
András Fülöp, BSc, PPKE ITK (2018)
Kitti Kristóf, BSc, PPKE ITK (2018)
Balázs Szalai, BSc, PPKE ITK (2018), developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
Győző Horváth, BSc, BME VIK (2018), developer @ SZTAKI MPLab/GeoComp
Attila Bacsu, BSc, PPKE ITK (2017)
Dávid Leichner, BSc, PPKE ITK (2017)
Bence Demkó, BSc, BME VIK (2016)
Gábor Sepovics, BSc, PPKE ITK (2016)
Bence Gálai, BSc, BME VIK (2015)
Péter Polcz, BSc, PPKE ITK (2014), formerly @ SZTAKI DEVA Lab, currently: Ph.D. student with PPKE ITK
Balázs Nagy, BSc, PPKE ITK (2014)
Zoltán Czirják, BSc, BME VIK (2014), currently: Lufthansa System
Szabolcs Németh, BSc, BME VIK (co-supervised, 2014), formerly @ SZTAKI, currently: Evosoft
Oszkár Józsa, BSc, BME VIK, (2012), formerly @ SZTAKI, currently: Self-Driving Eng. at Ascent Robotics, Japan
László Sárközi, BSc, BME VIK, (co-supervised,2012)
Miklós Homolya, BSc, PPKE ITK (co-supervised, 2011) currently: PhD. student with the Imperial College London
Balázs Gergely Szabó,  BSc, PPKE ITK (2010)
Csaba Horváth, BSc, PPKE ITK (2010)

Awards of supervised students :

  • Attila Börcs, MTA SZTAKI Institute Prize for Best Ph.D. Student and Aspriants, in 1st year cathegory, 2013

  • Attila Börcs, Neumann Society's Képaf Kuba Attila Prize, for best student paper and presentation, 2015

  • Attila Börcs, MTA SZTAKI Publication Prize 2016

  • Balázs Nagy, 1st prize at the Thesis Competition of the Scientific Association for Infocommunication (HTE ), in BSc Thesis cathegory, 2014

  • Balázs Nagy, MTA SZTAKI Youth Prize 2016

  • Balázs Nagy, MTA SZTAKI Institute Prize for Best Ph.D. Student, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year cathegories, 2017, 2018, 2019

  • Bence Gálai, Dénes Gabor scholarship for distinguished 1st prize at the national Scientific Student Conference, 2017

Supervised thesises in Scientific Student Conferences:

Student competitions are two level: local level conferences (TDK) are organized by the university faculties in each year, and they delegate participants to the national level conference (OTDK) which is orgainzed in every second year.

Award winning thesises:

  • Olivér Benis, "Automatikus érhálózatszegmentálás komputertomográfiás képeken 3D jelölt pontfolyamat modell és területnövelő algoritmus kombinálásával " (in Hungarian), 1st prize and at the PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2021

  • Zsófia Németh, "Modell sírhalmok LiDAR alapú automatikus azonosítására " (in Hungarian), 1st prize and at the PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2020

  • Örkény Zováthi, "Urban environment analysis with the fusion of real time LiDAR sensor and 3D localization map " (in English), 1st prize and Pro Progressio Foundation Special Award at the BME VIK TDK (local level) 2019, 3rd prize at the OTDK (national level) 2021

  • Péter Szabó, "Máj érhálózatának automatikus 3D rekonstrukciója CT felvételek alapján" (in Hungarian), 2nd prize at the PPKE ITK (local level), 2018, 3rd prize at the OTDK (national level) 2019

  • Richárd Zsámboki, "Városi Lidar pontfelhő objektumok mély tanulás alapú osztályozása" (in Hungarian), 1st prize at the BME VIK TDK (local level), 2016, 1st prize at the OTDK (national level) 2017

  • Bence Gálai, "Személyazonosítás és eseményfelismerés LiDAR szenzorral" (in Hungarian), 1st prize at the BME VIK TDK (local level), 2015, 1st prize at the OTDK (national level) 2017

  • Peter Polcz, "3D virtual city reconstruction from aerial LiDAR point clouds", 1st prize at the OTDK (national level, 2015, 1st prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2013

  • Balázs Nagy, "Dinamikus utcai környezet háromdimenziós analízise mobil lézerszkenner mérései alapján" (in Hungarian), 3rd prize at the OTDK (national level), 2015, 1st prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2014, co-supervised

  • Balázs Nagy, "3D objektumfelismerés Lidar pontfelhősorozatokon" (in Hungarian), 3rd prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2013, co-supervised

  • Attila Börcs and Csaba Horváth, "Városi környezet automatikus analízise és rekonstrukciója légi LIDAR mérések alapján" (in Hungarian), 2nd prize at the OTDK (national level), 2013, 1st prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2011

  • Miklós Homolya "Tracking multiple targets on aerial videos" (in English), 1st prize at the OTDK (national level), 2013, 1st prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level), 2011, co-supervised

  • Oszkár Józsa, Analyis of 3D dynamic urban scenes based on Lidar point cloud sequences (in English), 2nd prize at the BME VIK TDK (local level), 2012

  • Csaba Horváth: "Tanító módszereken alapuló automatikus eseményanalízis nagy forgalmú többsávos utak videó felügyeletéhez" (in Hungarian), 2nd prize at the OTDK (national level), 2011, 2nd prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2010

  • Balázs Gergely Szabó, "Légifelvételek szegmentációja optikai és infravörös felvételek fúziójával" (in Hungarian), 1st prize at PPKE ITK TDK (local level) 2010