Publication list
Journal papers
- A. Manno-Kovacs, "Direction Selective Contour Detection for Salient Objects", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 375-389, 2019, IF*: 3.558

- A. Manno-Kovacs, E. Giusti, F. Berizzi, L. Kovács, "Image Based Robust Target Classification for Passive ISAR", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 268-276, 2019, IF*: 2.617

- M. Shadaydeh, A. Zlinszky, A. Manno-Kovacs, T. Sziranyi, "Wetland Mapping by Fusion of Airborne Laser Scanning and Multitemporal Multispectral Satellite Imagery", International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 38, no. 23, pp. 7422-7440, 2017, IF:1.782
- A. Manno-Kovacs and A. O. Ok, "Building Detection from Monocular VHR Images by Integrated Urban Area Knowledge", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2140-2144, 2015, IF:2.228
- A. Manno-Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Orientation-selective building detection in aerial images", ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 108, pp. 94-112, 2015, IF:4.188

- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Improved Harris Feature Point Set for Orientation Sensitive Urban Area Detection in Aerial Images", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 796-800, 2013, IF:1.809

- L. Kovacs, A. Kovacs, A. Utasi, T. Sziranyi, "Flying Target Detection and Recognition by Feature Fusion", Optical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 117002-1-13, 2012, IF:0.88
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Harris Function Based Active Contour External Force for Image Segmentation", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1180-1187, 2012, IF:1.266

In conference proceedings
- P. Takacs and A. Manno-Kovacs, "MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation Combining Saliency and Convolutional Network Features", 16th International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), La Rochelle, France, September 4-6, 2018.

- A. Manno-Kovacs, E. Giusti, F. Berizzi, L. Kovács, "Automatic Target Classification in Passive ISAR Range-Crossrange Images", 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf'18), Oklahoma City, USA, April 23-27, 2018.

- A. Manno-Kovacs, L. Kovacs ,"Lightweight Monocular Obstacle Avoidance by Salient Feature Fusion", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop: Vision in Practice on Autonomous Robots , pp. 734-741, Venice, Italy, 22-29 October, 2017.

- L. Kovacs, A. Manno-Kovacs, "Feature-Based Target Detection And Classification In Passive ISAR Range-Crossrange Images", Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo) - MAPIS Special Session, Warsaw, Poland, 12-14 September, 2017.
- A. Manno-Kovacs, "Content based image retrieval using salient orientation histograms", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 25-28 September 2016.

- M. Shadaydeh, A. Manno-Kovacs, T. Sziranyi, "Change Detection in Wetlands using Multi-layer Fusion Markov Random Field", What can Remote Sensing do for the Conservation of Wetlands? - 1st International Symposium, pp. 21, Seville, Spain, 23 October, 2015.
- A. Zlinszky, N. Pfeifer, A. Manno-Kovacs, T. Sziranyi, "LiDAR as a data source for the 2020 biodiversity strategy: overview, case studies and future directions for wetland conservation mapping", What can Remote Sensing do for the Conservation of Wetlands? - 1st International Symposium, pp. 24, Seville, Spain, 23 October, 2015
- A. O. Ok and A. Manno-Kovacs "Detection of buildings from high resolution satellite images using urban area knowledge", IEEE 23th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 292-295, Malatya, Turkey, 16-19 May, 2015
- A. Manno-Kovacs, "Direction Selective Vector Field Convolution for Contour Detection", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 4722-4726, Paris, France, 27-30 October, 2014, paper in "Top10%"
- A. Manno-Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Multidirectional Building Detection in Aerial Images Without Shape Templates", ISPRS Workshop on High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information, pp. 227-232, Hannover, Germany, 21-24 May, 2013
- A. Kovacs, T. Sziranyi, P. Barsi, "Automatic detection of structural changes in single channel long time-span brain MRI images using saliency map and active contour methods", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1265-1268, Orlando, USA, 30 September - 3 October, 2012
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Orientation Based Building Outline Extraction in Aerial Images", XXII ISPRS Congress, vol.I-7 of ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Spatial Information Sciences, pp. 141-146, Melbourne, Australia, 25 August - 1 September, 2012, received travel grant award
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Improved Force Field for Vector Field Convolution Method", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2853-2856, Brussels, Belgium, 11-14 September, 2011, received travel grant award

- A. Kovacs, A. Utasi, L. Kovacs, T. Sziranyi, "Shape and texture fused recognition of flying targets", SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, vol. 8050 Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XX, pp. 80501E-1-12, Orlando, USA, 25-29 April 2011
- A. Kovacs, Cs. Benedek, T. Sziranyi, "A Joint Approach of Building Localization and Outline Extraction", IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, 16-18 February 2011
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "New Saliency Point Detection and Evaluation Methods for Finding Structural Differences in Remote Sensing Images of Long Time-span Samples", Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, pp. 272-283, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 December 2010
- A. Utasi and A. Kovacs, "Recognizing Human Actions by Using Spatio-temporal Motion Descriptors", Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, pp. 366-375, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 December 2010
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "High Definition Feature Map for GVF Snake by Using Harris Function", Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, pp. 163-172, Sydney, Australia, 13-16 December 2010
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Shape Detection of Structural Changes in Long Time-span Aerial Image Samples by New Saliency Methods", ISPRS Workshop on Modeling of Optical Airborne and Space Borne Sensors, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-13 October 2010
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Local Contour Descriptors around Scale-invariant Keypoints", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1105-1108, Cairo, Egypt, 7-10 November 2009, received travel grant award

Ph.D. Thesis
- A. Manno-Kovacs, "Novel features in object detection for image segmentation tasks", Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Multidisciplinary Technical Sciences Doctoral School, Budapest, Hungary, September 2013"

- A. Manno-Kovacs, "Irányított vektormező konvolúció objektum körvonalak keresésére", 10th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Kecskemét, Hungary, 2015
- A. Manno-Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Több irányú, alaksablonok nélküli épület detekció légiképeken", 10th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Kecskemét, Hungary, 2015
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Új típusú, Harris függvény alapú tulajdonságtérkép és ponthalmaz objektumok körvonalanak megkeresésére", 9th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Bakonybél, Hungary, 2013
- A. Kovacs and T. Sziranyi, "Detecting boundaries of structural differences in long time-span image samples for remote sensing images and medical applications", 8th Conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Szeged, Hungary, 2011